My heart is so full writing this post. I definitely consider myself lucky to have been given the opportunity to help this sweet angel get to his Mom and Dad.
One of things that was really important to me was everyone being there when Finn was born. I wanted Jamie and Ben to hear his first cry and I wanted them to be the first to hold him. I wanted my mom and sister to be there as my support team. I can't even describe the feelings of love and support I felt around me during my birthing time. Even though I was acting like a crazy lady during the contractions and pushing I could feel the energy and love from everyone around me it was amazing, I hope everyone on earth can feel that loved at some point in their life.
Contractions started on Saturday August 23rd, Jamie, Emily and I picked up my Aunt Ginger(Jamie's mom) from the airport in the morning. We walked around Salt Lake City some that day and I was just feeling really uncomfortable. Ben flew in from working and everyone was there so we decided to head to hospital. When we got there nothing was really happening. I was pretty disappointed. Monday August 25th came around I was still feeling contractions. I had a doctors appointment at 1:30pm the doctor said I was dilated to a 2+ and 80% effaced. Well that night the contractions picked up a little bit so we decided to go to the hospital and nothing had really changed so we walked some stairs. They checked me again and still really nothing so we went home again. I was really disappointed so I decided that night we weren't going to the hospital unless I knew without a doubt this baby was coming.
On Tuesday August 26th I went in for acupuncture in the afternoon (if you haven't tried acupuncture before you should it is so relaxing) and later that evening we went and walked stairs in the rain, it was so fun hanging out with Jamie and Ben and Jamie's dad, my Uncle Sandy. I feel like the days leading up to Finn's birth were a huge blessing, I really enjoyed just being with everyone! Wednesday August 27th I had another acupuncture appointment at eleven and then we did some shopping, after shopping I went in for another acupuncture appointment and then we decided we would all rest and take it easy that night.
Thursday August 28th I had another acupuncture appointment, this time I wasn't able to relax as much as I had during the other times but it still helped a lot. After acupuncture we went and picked up Emily. We packed a picnic lunch and then went to Sundance to ride the scenic lift, which was very stressful with a three year old! The whole time I was really starting to feel more pressure but didn't want to tell anyone in case it wasn't "it". After Sundance they dropped me and Emily off at home and I laid down with Emily so she could take a nap.I fell asleep for about thirty minutes but the contractions were getting really uncomfortable so I decided to take a bath and see if that would help me relax. The bath kind of helped but I was still feeling uncomfortable and the contractions kept feeling more intense. My mom called on her way home from work and I asked if she would make some soup so she ran by the store for the ingredients. My brother and his family stopped by to drop some stuff off. The whole time they were here I was feeling the contractions get more intense. I still wasn't sure if it was "it" so I decided to just try and relax through each one. I don't really remember what I was doing when they left but my mom had started making soup in the other room. I decided to try sitting on the ball to help me through each contraction but all of sudden I just broke out in tears, the contractions were getting intense. I decided at some point I wanted to shower just to see if it would help me relax through the contractions. While I was in the shower I told my sister to call Jamie and Ben but tell them to take their time because I didn't want to get to the hospital too soon or make them wait around if it really wasn't it. After I got out of the shower the contractions were so intense I was crying and acting like a crazy lady. My mom convinced me that we should probably head to the hospital. I was so nervous they were going to tell me it wasn't time and I honestly wasn't sure if I could handle it if I wasn't really in labor. My sister called Jamie and Ben to tell them actually we are heading to the hospital and they should meet us there. When we got there I was dilated to four+ but the nurse could tell things were going to go fast so they called my doctor and they moved us to a room. I was acting crazy running around the room not really finding a good place to get through the contractions. I am sure everyone thought I had gone mad! I decided I wanted to get into the tub so they checked me and I was already at a six. I got into the tub, it kind of helped but not much so I decided to get out. I was feeling kind of pushy so they checked me again. I was at an eight.
The doctor came in and I decided I wanted him to break my water so things would keep moving along. At that point I decided to stay on the bed so I could try and relax in between each contraction. It was amazing I had my mom and sister on one side of me and Jamie and Ben on the other, I could just feel their love for me so strongly I can't even explain it.
My doctor was there along with my nurse and another nurse everyone was just talking me through the contractions and helping me to push. Hypnobabies really helped to me to relax in between each contraction and to just remind myself I am not going to die even though at this moment it might feel like I am. Everyone being there cheering me on telling me I can do this was so amazing and helpful. I pushed for about 45minutes and when sweet Finn was born at 1:35am I was so happy and so excited for him to meet his mom and dad.
I have had a lot of people ask questions about my experience and how I am feeling I wanted to answer a few of those questions here,..
I have had a lot of people ask if I am sad now that I have had him and honestly I can say no. He is with his parents and I am so happy for all three of them!
I have also had a lot of people ask how Emily feels about the whole thing, she is the smartest toddler I know she understands so much. She loves Jamie, Ben and Finn so much! She has known from the beginning that Finn isn't our baby and that I was just growing him in my belly so he could come to earth and be with his Mommy and Daddy.
People have asked if Finn is my baby the answer is no. The doctor used Jamie's egg not mine. In December I went to Texas and the doctor did an embryo transfer. Isn't modern medicine amazing!
Another question I get a lot is if I will be a gestational carrier again or do it professionally and the answer for that is no. This has been an amazing experience but growing a baby is a lot of work!
I want to end by thanking all of my support team during this past year!
My mom was there during everything from the first time I had to stick myself with a hormone shot to staying up all night the night he was born! My sister Lauren my awesome doula and hynobabies coach. Danielle for always being willing to help with Emily. Jamie and Ben for being there for me and making me feel so special. Thank you to my sister in law Meg for capturing the moments of Finn's birth so beautifully. Thank you to all of our families and friends for being a support and for the prayers from everyone I could feel them the whole time!!! Thank you all I couldn't have done it without you!!!! Lots of love to you all!!!
Now onto new adventures!!!
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